By undertaking this work with me, you accept that I cannot guarantee that you will achieve your desired outcome, despite our joint best efforts. Results of the work we do together may not surface until a future time, such is the nature of all healing and personal development work. I do guarantee my very best effort to help you achieve your desired goals, by offering you an honest, respectful, non-judgemental space where you can explore your difficulties and concerns whilst encouraging your autonomy at all times.


Counselling and psychotherapy do not replace conventional medical services. You agree, therefore, to maintain full responsibility for seeking and following your psychiatrist or doctor’s medical advice and treatment throughout. 


Each session lasts for 60 minutes and will start promptly at the pre-arranged time. If you arrive late, that session will still end at the scheduled time. Refunds for part sessions will not be offered where the session is incomplete or missed because of your absence. If you arrive more than 20 minutes late, I reserve the right to cancel that session without refund.

You commit to behaving appropriately at all times during sessions and in the course of any communication with me. Any inappropriate behaviour will be considered a serious and fundamental breach of the counselling agreement and may terminate the current session and any further therapy. This includes abusive, sexually orientated, inappropriate and threatening behaviour as well as attending sessions under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


I will endeavour to ensure that the technical quality of my online/telephone service is of the highest quality but will not be held responsible for technical problems experienced by you with your own equipment or with communications over the internet or other such causes which are outside of our control.

If we are unable to connect or we are disconnected during a session due to a technological breakdown, I will try to reconnect within 10 minutes. If this is not possible, we can continue our session by telephone. Alternatively, we can reschedule the session or add the time missed onto our next session accordingly. Please have your phone to hand as a backup in case there are unforeseen online technical problems.


You agree to inform me of any medical conditions you have been diagnosed with or are suffering from so that we may consider your particular circumstances and needs. This includes but is not limited to drug or alcohol addiction, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar affective disorder, personality disorder, depression requiring inpatient admission, suicidal thoughts/attempts, self-harm, epilepsy, severe heart disease, ADHD, autism.

When working online I ask that you determine who has access to your computer and electronic information from your location. This would include family members, co-workers, supervisors and friends. I encourage you to communicate through a computer that you know is safe ie where confidentiality can be ensured. Be sure to fully exit all online counselling sessions and emails at the end of each session.

You agree to be alone, in a private space for your counselling session, ensure there is no background noise and that anyone else in your space knows not to disturb you. You need to be free to focus on yourself for the duration of your session.


Current rates for my therapeutic services are posted on my website and are reviewed annually on 1st January. Ongoing clients will be given 4 weeks notice of any payment increase.

Sessions can be paid for by BACS transfer or remotely via credit/debit card. Payments for online and telephone sessions must be made 48 hours prior to the start of each session.

Fees paid are independent of specific results, and are in consideration of my expertise, time, skills, training, and commitment to you. Refunds are not offered in any circumstances. 


If you are unable to keep an appointment for any reason, please let me know. I reserve the right to charge the full fee for sessions missed, where less than 48 hours’ notice is given.

In the unlikely event that I have to cancel, an alternative appointment will be offered ASAP.

If you miss two appointments in a row and I am unable to contact you, I will assume that you do not wish to continue with your counselling at this time, cancel any further bookings and the session time will become available for new clients to book. 


You have the right to terminate therapy at any time.

I also reserve the right to terminate therapy, at any time, if I feel I am not effective in helping you to reach your therapeutic goals, or in other exceptional circumstances where I am unable to fulfil my obligation to our work together. I will endeavour to discuss this with you in the first instance and refer you onwards.

If you/we decide that the time has come to end therapy, I strongly recommend that we spend at least one session preparing for this ending to enable us to review our work together, consider what has been achieved and to discuss alternative sources of support and strategies for coping post therapy.


Communications outside of our agreed counselling sessions are limited to making, changing or cancelling an appointment unless by prior arrangement. It is possible to leave a voicemail on my phone so if I am unable to answer, please leave a message, email or send a text and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

If an emergency situation arises that requires immediate attention, if you are experiencing suicidal or homicidal thoughts or if a life-threatening situation should occur, you agree to contact a crisis hotline (The Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90), call the emergency services (999), or go to a hospital emergency room.

You also agree to give permission for me to contact your GP and/or your emergency contact if serious concerns about risk to yourself or others is raised at any time. 


My practice holds all data securely in line with the Code of Ethics of my professional organisations and in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. In agreeing to these terms and conditions, you are confirming that you have read and consent to my privacy policy as displayed on my website.

I will never disclose any information you share with me to a third party without your explicit consent. There may be exceptions to this, for example, if I feel genuinely concerned that either you or another person are at serious risk of harm, particularly if there is a child or vulnerable adult at risk. I will endeavour to raise this with you in the first instance, to discuss my obligation to take the matter further, however this may not always be possible. Confidentiality may also be broken if I am required to do so by subpoena or if you disclose to me anything of an illegal nature such as acts of terrorism, money laundering and drug trafficking, then I have a duty by law to report this to the relevant authorities. 

My work is regularly reviewed, to monitor my practice, by a clinical supervisor in line with the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy’s ethical framework and I am committed to my own self-development through peer supervision. There are times where aspects of our sessions will be taken to supervision, but your identity will remain anonymous and our contracted confidentiality upheld.

I take your right to confidentiality and privacy very seriously and likewise you are expected to keep communications between ourselves confidential and you agree to refrain from any form of recording of our sessions without my consent. 

Should we meet by chance outside of the counselling environment, it is entirely your decision whether or not you greet me. However, I will not enter into any clinical discussions outside of our therapy sessions. I will not accept any invitations from clients to associate on a social or casual basis either on or offline, however, you are welcome to follow my ‘Gordica Counselling’ social media accounts. Dual relationships with clients are considered counter-productive to therapy and in the more extreme cases, unethical.


If you feel you are not getting the service you need, I want to hear about your concerns so I can offer the best possible service. If you feel that you can, please speak to me directly. I am a registered member of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy and Association of Christian Counsellors.